Friday, 2 September 2011

Volunteering Day Nine: Chillogallo

Tuesday 30 August 2011

The start of my last week of volunteering.  Very sad that the time has flown by so quickly.  The Tuesday market is the biggest market of the week and there were once again lots of children there today, well over 50 I would say.  There was also an adorable puppy there and I spent all morning carrying it around as it was too little to walk and we weren't quite sure which child it belonged too.  As it is my last week I was allowed to take my camera with me to the market, post with photographs to follow.  I was in charge of maths with the oldest age group.  They had a worksheet with addition and subtraction exercises.  I had to help some of them by lending extra fingers to add the larger numbers.

The local festival started today in Chillogallo.  In the afternoon I was able to go and see some of the traditional dancing.

In the evening I went to the volunteer house for a pizza evening.  You have never seen a group of people so excited at the thought of eating pizza!   We had a great evening chatting and having fun.

A lovely day.


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