Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Volunteering Day Four: Chillogallo Market

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Back to volunteering and my favourite market today.  A lot of volunteers left at the weekend (7 in total) so we are a much smaller group this week as only three new volunteers have joined us.  Our day at the market followed the same structure as last week.  One of my favourite parts of the day is collecting the children from their families on the markets.  Most of them are delighted to see you, run up to you and hug you.  They can’t wait to play, sing and learn with us.  Others are shyer and more reluctant.  They need to be cajoled and persuaded to come with us.  Once they start playing they forget their shyness and have a great time.  Going to collect the children and bring them back when the sessions finishes lets me talk briefly to the parents.  It’s very humbling to see the tough conditions they work in and make me very grateful for the high standard of living we have in the developed world.  It has made me determined to continue doing voluntary work during my holidays.  I would love to set up my own foundation that helps children in South America to grow up healthily and have the opportunity to go to school.  It’s something I’m going to look into and work on once I return to Germany.


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